Riven crashes during play or closes before the menu, sometimes shows an error message06.18.24By: Lloyd Woodall
Riven crashes with this message: “Failed to wait on acquired swapchain image. This usually indicates a problem with the OpenXR runtime.” How do I fix this?06.20.24By: Lloyd Woodall
Black bars appear on my ultra widescreen display when I engage with objects in Riven. How do I fix this?06.21.24By: Lloyd Woodall
Is this remake point-and-click only like the original Riven was, or is it traversable in 3D space?03.20.24By: Lloyd Woodall
Are you going to use live-action characters (FMVs) or switch them for 3D characters like in Myst (2021)?03.20.24By: Lloyd Woodall
Riven has 3D characters, but John Keston (Gehn) passed away. How are you recreating his performance?03.20.24By: Lloyd Woodall
If I purchased a copy of the original Riven (or MYST), can I get a free copy of the remake?04.13.23By: Lloyd Woodall
I must know more! Where can I find out more information about this new version of Riven?04.13.23By: Lloyd Woodall