Featured image for “Fan Cave: Moiety Jean”
22.01.20    Jeff Lanctot
Fan Cave: Moiety Jean
Jeff: Welcome to Fan Cave! Where Cyan introduces you to a fan… and their Cave! Today I’d like to introduce you to Jean. Jean: My name’s Jean, or Moiety Jean among Myst fans. I make costumes, sculpture and jewelry, both original designs and replicas from fantasy worlds of games, film, and tv. Cyan’s worlds have been a huge inspiration ever...
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Featured image for “Construction Time Again”
22.01.20    Jeff Lanctot
Construction Time Again
Ahhh, 1996… 23 years ago. It was the year that actors Tom Holland, Zendaya, and Hailee Stenfield were born. It was also the year that spawned the Macarena, gave us Jerry Maquire, Independence Day, Fargo, and ushered in the Tickle Me Elmo doll. AOL.com was the biggest destination on the internet with 41% of folks checking the site regularly. Also?...
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Featured image for “Cyan Ventures acquires Unwritten: Adventures in the Ages of Myst and Beyond.”
26.11.19    Ryan Warzecha
Cyan Ventures acquires Unwritten: Adventures in the Ages of Myst and Beyond.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 11/26/19 Cyan Ventures [email protected]    Cyan Ventures acquires Unwritten: Adventures in the Ages of Myst and Beyond.   Award-winning Myst studio Cyan brings tabletop roleplaying game Unwritten: Adventures in the Ages of Myst and Beyond into its family of games.    Mead, WA: In 2013, Cyan authorized one of the first 3rd party works in the D’ni universe...
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Featured image for “Unabridged Fangamer Interview Q&A”
19.11.19    Jeff Lanctot
Unabridged Fangamer Interview Q&A
Recently the team responded to a handful of written interview questions for Alan Lopez writing over at Nintendo Life who was putting together a piece about the company Fangamer. The full article can be found here. Since he was using many different sources he was (understandably) unable to use some of our responses within his article, but we thought you...
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Featured image for “Exploring in the Cyan Vaults #1”
13.11.19    Jeff Lanctot
Exploring in the Cyan Vaults #1
Down a secret staircase. Through a hidden hallway. Around an unexpected corner. Through a locked door… lies the Cyan Vault. A treasure trove of history about Cyan, the games, and the folks that have made them. Oh, my friend! The wonders that I have seen… This week I stumbled upon a stack of early work that the Riven team did...
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Featured image for “From the Newsroom – November 2019”
12.11.19    Jeff Lanctot
From the Newsroom – November 2019
Obduction Updates Latest Obduction update now available on all platforms! We’ve recently released the PS4 / PSVR update for Obduction, which brings the game in line with the released versions for Mac and Windows! This major update contains bug fixes along with improvements made to overall performance and VR in general....
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Featured image for “Fan Cave: Rustm0nky”
12.11.19    Jeff Lanctot
Fan Cave: Rustm0nky
Welcome to Fan Cave! Where Cyan introduces you to a fan… and their Cave! Cyan: Thanks for showing us your Fan Space! Please introduce yourself… Gabe: My name is Gabriel, I go by Gabe and my gamer tag is “Rustm0nky”. Mainly I’m on Xbox. C. What do you do for a living? G. My occupation is “Project Performance Analyst” I...
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